I have a lot to do during this feasibility study. One key to success will be to keep it simple. Each area of research broken down and looked at in small manageable components all leading to a greater sum of knowledge. Alongside research into the practicalities of the scheme, I must also communicate the idea to the glen community in a realistic way, providing enough information to people that they can really understand what they are looking at.
One way to do this through fact-sheets on specific topics; brief introductions to concepts related to the project that hopefully provide a basic understanding of the subject. To date there have been 2 fact-sheets, one on the RHI and the other on modern wood burning technology (both will be available on the website). There are things about this topic that need particular mention and I will be focusing on this for a little while.
In the meantime however- lets step back to some really basic and very cool heating systems, the Kachelofen or Ceramic Stove.

That's one there with the knobbly bits on. They are obviously a way in which one can express one's own style and taste.

As you can see for fans of the 70's European tile scene, there could be a lot of pleasure in typing Kachelofen into Google images. This next image however resembles a more typical Kachelofen as a warmed communal seating area.

Kachelofen's are large thermal masses that warm rooms and houses in an efficient and gentle way. A slow burning fire is lit in the kachelofen, and a clever use of flue pipes allows the kachelofen to warm up (never to hot too touch) and be a general heat source, radiating heat out. I suppose an equivalent comparison is an AGA or Rayburn and the way they heat the kitchen. kachelofen, however can be situated centrally, or for a specific purpose.

They burn very little wood, staying warm for a long time. Larger systems can have ducting that distributes warm air around the house. Modern adaptations include integrated heat exchangers for underfloor heating, radiators or hot water.

They really are quite fascinating for the range of designs www.fauser-ofenbau.de and www.prometheus-kachelofen.eu are good sites for contemporary styles.
This Kachelofen also has a Pizza oven and can heat pans and that all important kettle.
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